Grants and Fellowships
Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship (Awarded and Declined)
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Bonn, Germany — 2019
Leakey Foundation Grant
The Leakey Foundation in San Francisco, CA — 2019
National Geographic Early Career Grant
National Geographic Society in Washington, D.C. — 2017
Dissertation Research Grant
Georgia State University in Atlanta, GA — 2016
The William M. Suttles Fellowship Award
Georgia State University in Atlanta, GA — 2016
Kenneth W. and Georganne F. Honeycutt Fellowship
Georgia State University in Atlanta, GA — 2015–2017
Chateaubriand Fellowship
French Embassy of the United States, Washington, D.C. — 2013
2CI Primate Social Cognition, Evolution, and Behavior Fellowship
Georgia State University in Atlanta, GA — 2012-2017
Dr. Nadia Girardot Ethology Scholarship
Kennesaw State University in Kennesaw, GA — 2011
Girardot Endowed Scholarship
Kennesaw State University in Kennesaw, GA — 2009-201
Roy L. Brantley Memorial Perpetual Scholarship
North Carolina National Guard in Raleigh, NC — 2009-2010
Wes and Betsy Ives Perpetual Memorial Scholarship
North Carolina National Guard in Raleigh, NC — 2008-2009, 2011
Ed and Trudy Webber Memorial Scholarship
North Carolina National Guard in Raleigh, NC — 2007-2008